26 Inch Battle Cry Rams Horn Shofar
This 25"
rams horn has a voice that declares war! We call this one "The
This 25" Rams
Horn Will Send Forth a Battle Cry Releasing Confusion in the Enemy
Gideon and the 300
Suddenly they blew their rams horn shofars and broke their clay
jars so that their torches blazed into the night.
Then the other 200 of his men did the same, blowing the rams horns
in their right hands and holding the flaming
torches in their left hands, All shouting, "For the Lord and Gideon".
Then they just stood and watched as the whole vast army began
rushing around in a panic,
shouting and running away. For in the confusion the Lord caused the
enemy troops to begin fighting and killing
each other from one end of the camp to the other- Judges 7:20-22
ram horn has a nicely flared mouth piece making it very easy to play,
producing a dynamic voice
that will shake things up in the atmosphere, driving the enemy
will surely want to call and hear this one - it is a Screamer!! 219-762-7589
This is one of the Best Sounding Battle Cry Rams Horn we have
ever had!
$2333.00 -
This 26" Rams Horn Will Send Forth a Battle Cry Releasing Confusion in the Enemy Camp
Gideon and the 300
Suddenly they blew their rams horn shofars and broke their clay jars so that their torches blazed into the night. Then the other 200 of his men did the same, blowing the rams horns in their right hands and holding the flaming torches in their left hands, All shouting, "For the Lord and Gideon".
Then they just stood and watched as the whole vast army began rushing around in a panic, shouting and running away.
For in the confusion the Lord caused the enemy troops to begin fighting and killing each other from one end of the camp to the other- Judges 7:20-22
This ram horn has an extra large mouth piece making it very easy to play, producing a dynamic voice that will shake things up in the atmosphere driving the enemy crazy!!!!
You will surely want to call and hear this one - it is a screamer !!!!!!!!!!! 219 250 2187
$1577.00 *** SOLD ***
Great Shape - Nice Twist. From this angle you can see several
colors and hues including rust, orange, gold, yellow, dark brown, cream,
light brown and beige.
Rare 27" Battle Cry Professional Quality "Odor Free" Rams Horn Shofar
This 27" Rams Horn Will Send Forth a Battle Cry Releasing Confusion
in the Enemy Camp
Gideon and the 300
Suddenly they blew their rams horn shofars and broke their clay jars so
that their torches blazed into the night.
Then the other 200 of his men did the same, blowing the rams horns in
their right hands and holding the flaming torches
in their left hands, All shouting, "For the Lord and Gideon".
Then they just stood and watched as the whole vast army began rushing
around in a panic, shouting and running away.
For in the confusion the Lord caused the enemy troops to begin fighting
and killing each other
from one end of the camp to the other- Judges 7:20-22
ram horn has an Extra Large Mouth piece making it Very Easy to Play,
producing a
Dynamic Voice that will Shake things up in the Atmosphere Driving the
Enemy Crazy!!!!
Professional Odorless Rams Horn Shofar has been Meticulously Cleaned and
Finished by a Perfectionist,
who happens to be the Owner of a Dental Lab.
A Clear High Gloss Finish has been applied to the Outside of the Ram
Horn to give it a Brilliant Shine and to the Inside to Eliminate Odor
Highest Sound Quality
Plays 3 Notes
Low Rumbling Bass Note
Loud Vibrant Voice
Beautiful High Gloss Finish
Beautiful Vibrant Colors: Beige, Jade, Gray, Gold, Brown, Yellow, Green,
Burgundy, with Black Striping
Very Large - Easy to Play Mouth Piece
This is the Biggest Battle Cry Rams Horn we have ever had!
One of a Kind Collector’s Item!
The Shofar Man takes the best sounding Rams Horn Shofars and selects the
best of them
to be made into The Shofar Man's Professional Quality Shofars!
You will Definitely want to Call and Hear this Great Shofar!
package includes a free
Electronic version
of the Shofar Man's 9 DVD teaching series about the Shofar,
The Shofar and the Voice of God book and The Ministry of the Shofar

This Package has been put together to help Mentor those the Father is
Calling to Sound the Shofar!
$3777.00 - #RAMPR27BATL