• Traditional
Hebrew shofar patterns
• A tool for intercession Ram Horn Shofar
• How do you Blow the Shofar? (This is a brief,
simple explanation - not an in-depth teaching)
• A Jericho type shout released by 60 shofars being
sounded all at one time for approximately 5 minutes
• Laying on of hands, anointing service for shofar
• A word from the Lord for shofar blowers all over
the world
• How to Pick Out a Good Shofar
• How to Get Rid of the Shofar Odor
• How to Pick Out a Shofar with a Good Mouthpiece
• The Three Different Finishes on a Shofar
• Guidelines For Using a Shofar in the Local Church
• The Shofar and the Prophetic
• The Shofar and Denominational Walls
• The Shofar as a Tool for Intercession
• The Shofar as a Tool for Evangelism
• The Shofar and the Voice of God - When you take
hold of the revelation of the connection between
the Shofar and the Voice of God, your appreciation
for the Shofar and the Voice of God will jump to a
new level,
taking your Shofar Ministry to a greater
effectiveness in the areas of deliverance, healings,
miracles and salvations.
• The Shofar and the Watchmen
• Shofar Protocols and Guidelines
This teaching
takes the fear out of pastoring someone that is
called to sound the shofar. This knowledge makes it
easier to release shofar sounders in a local
church. The teaching brings order to using a shofar
in the local church.
It touches on things that can cause friction and
division in the local church.
Establishing protocols and guidelines in the local
Should the shofar
be sounded during worship?
Should the shofar
be sounded during a quiet moment?
What do I do if
shofar sounding is not allowed in my local church
but I am called to sound it?
Should I sound my
shofar in a church that I am visiting?
Should I sound the
shofar during altar ministry?
Should I sound the
shofar over people to receive healing?
Who is called to
sound the shofar?
Can a shofar be
sounded at a wedding?
Can a shofar be
sounded at a funeral?
This Shofar Protocols and Guidelines DVD will answer
these questions and many others.
A practical Shofar Teaching and Tips connecting the
dots between the Breath of God, the Voice of
the Holy Spirit, the Supernatural, Visions of Jesus
and the Harvest